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No New Posts Credina Shores

Welcome to Credina Shores, it is not a very populated place as not many Sogowans actually know how to swim.

But the beaches here are clear and blue and the sands are red. It never really gets cold here as it is a warm climate so the beaches are always open to travellers if they ever want to come down.

Moderator: Thrif

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No New Posts Crystal Cave

Seldomly ever visited, it is not known how large the Crystal Cave is but it is rumoured that on a full moon lit night when you enter, you may be able to see the rocks on the walls sparkle, causing the entire cave to shine.

Moderator: Thrif

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No New Posts Credina City

Credina City is the main suburban continent on Sorbrect.

Dispite what you hear about Sogowans being a gun lusting and brutal species, they sure do know their weaponry and Credina City is where you will find most of the tourists and gun nuts will usually end up as Sorbrect is famous for selling some of the finest weaponry in the galaxy.

Moderator: Thrif

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No New Posts Muiranthias Forrests

Taking up at least 60% of the continent, Muiranthias Forrests are ripe with life.

With Credina City being the hot spot for tourists, the forrests are the best place to go hunting, fishing, or just go exploring. With a few deep lakes in the middle of the forrest it is one of the best places to just enjoy the very few natural pleasures that Sorbrect has to offer you.

Moderator: Thrif

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No New Posts Misinrow Grasslands

Misinrow Grasslands takes up the rest of the continent. With plenty of trees and rivers to admire, this place has a subtle beauty that many usually take for granted.

Not so many people actually come out here but it is ripe with food and there are plenty of trees for shade or shelter from the rains.

Moderator: Thrif

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Status    Subject Created By Replies Views Last Post
newBookmarkLockedFalling Mantrin Facts
Thrif 0 301 by Thrif
Feb 6, 2008 6:50:07 GMT 7


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Board Description
The Sogowan home planet.

Very much like P'lodchda, there is only one continent on this planet, but with a few differences. There is a rural side, closer to the equator, and a more suburban side, further away from the equator.

The history is full of wars and an unfair government.

Many Sogowans escaped this fate by boarding Drifter Colony ships and started new lives on planets like Talison 14. Most weren't as fortunate.
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